The "Urban Market" in Houston

Intricately beaded satin heart cushions

The "Urban Market" event in Houston this past weekend was a terrific browsing opportunity with wonderful antique items.   
The weather was splendid.  
It is still amazing me that I can be out and about 
with cool breezy temperatures in the month of February.  
This event happens only a few times a year 
and even though I had to spend the better part of the weekend in Austin with my daughter, I didn't want to miss out. 
 I wanted to snap more photos of the people there but my camera battery ran out
 Events like this really bring out the 'fashionistas' and it was fun to see some Houston style. 
 It was definitely all about the BOOTS.  
It seemed everyone was wearing brown knee-high boots.  

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentine's day with their sweethearts.  
I didn't get a photo but I found a wonderful bronze hammered pendant for my daughter as a little Valentine token. 
 She is under so much pressure as she  continues her studies
 in preparation for college exams. 
 Its been a super tough academic load for her this year.

Sweet and old-fashioned Valentine's Day cards

I just loved these ruby red slippers!  
The right person with the right outfit could really pull these off.  However, the right person with the right out-fit is definitely not ME!

I know, these don't have anything to do with Valentine's Day
I did think these boots were very VERY