
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

One-Sided Cookies...aka Peanut Butter Cookies

Amazing!  In the Babble food blog voting you all have moved me from #197 to #28.  We are in the last weeks of voting.  If you enjoy "Snippets" will you   Click here or on the side link to the right.

 Thank You!

Cookies, cookies, and more cookies!  Is there a cookie making frenzy in your kitchen?  How wonderful to hop from blog to blog to see all of the holiday traditional cookies being baked all across the country...all across the world!

When I had my article on the molasses cookies, a woman wrote to me and said she grew up with a similar cookie in Pakistan.  It just tickles me to imagine that.

We definitely have our holiday favorites over here.  Snowballs, butter spritz cookies, 'Aunt Jeanne's' oatmeal cookies, and gingerbread are popular around our kitchen.

R. and I decided that we wanted something with peanut butter this year.  We are calling these "one-sided cookies" because only one side of the family likes anything with peanut butter.  With only 50% of the four of us eating these it sounded like a good deal to the peanut butter lovers ~ so here they are...

My Christmas menu is almost all penciled in.  I always think I am going to strike out and create all new dishes.  I'm always tempted by something fancy shmancy that I see appear that year.  Then, I start to hear the comments.  

"But, we're not going to have potatoes au gratin?"

"But, we're not going to have a Bûche de Noël?"

That's music to this Mamas ears.  Of course we will.  We'll have all of the traditional favorites.  No Problem.

Traditions are so important to establish and enjoy.  For so many of us parents, traditions happen over the years our children move from babies to young adults and we don't even realize we've created them.

Isn't that wonderful?

Happy baking everyone...from our home to yours!

Peanut Butter Cookies
1 cup butter
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
3/4  cup brown sugar
2 eggs
3 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 375˚F

In the bowl of a mixer, cream butter, peanut butter, sugar, and brown sugar until creamy.

Add the eggs and beat until fluffy.

In a separate bowl combine the flour, baking soda, and salt.

Add the dry ingredients to the mixer and combine until forms a dough.

Scoop up by the tablespoon and roll in a bowl of sugar.

(Snippet's Notes:  Don't make the balls too big or they will flatten out too much)

Place on a cookie sheet and bake for 8 - 10 minutes

(Snippet's Notes:  my cookies started to flatten so I put my oven on convection bake)


  1. These look amazing, but I must know what a butter spritz cookie is!

  2. Those cookies look so delicious and comforting -- love the little chocolate morsels nestled on top, too cute. I had friends over this past weekend and we had a cookie-decorating extravaganza! The girls were in charge of the cookies, the boys the gingerbread house. It was so funny to overhear the boys trying to decide how to decorate it. :-p Happy holidays!

  3. These look wonderful. Peanut butter cookies are one of my favorites-and peanut butter desserts for that matter. And chocolate is always a plus. Have a wonderful holiday!

  4. I like your "one-sided cookies" how funny! I will join the side that likes peanut butter cookies!

  5. These look so sweet on those lovely crocheted coasters, with such a glorious crackled crunchy top. They inspire some serious peanutty yearnings!

  6. These would be two-sided cookies in our family we all love peanut butter!

  7. This post totally makes me miss you!!!! Love and hugs... and I side with you and R. - peanut butter cookies all the way!

  8. wow i love anything that involves peanut butter or chocolate, and this recipe has both!!! so excited to try it!


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