
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Honey Dew, Cucumber, Mint Mojito for St. Paddy's Day...and thunderstorms

As the day unfolded, increasing humidity slowly saturated the air.  The heaviness muffled the cool breezes that had been flowing through the open windows in recent weeks.

Storms and cooler weather were forecasted, so relief would  eventually be in sight...hopefully. 

The icy coldness of this delicate honey dew and cucumber flavored drink, inspired by St. Patrick's Day, offered a timely relief for this first sultry taste of what is to come.

The last of the Valentine's Day flowers from P. glowed in the heaviness of the air.  "Mom, let's turn the air on," the kids suggested as we inched closer and closer to open windows.

Storm clouds were sweeping over the vast Texas sky, swinging their dark capes wildly overhead.  "Let's try to wait it out," I replied without much enthusiasm.  When the storms come in, the air is going to cool down."

There was one treat that I could offer to make the day more bearable.  Honeydew, cucumber, and mint... all flavoring tall icy glasses of bubbling ginger ale.  The thought of it made my mouth water with  anticipation of relief from the thick air.

R. and I have been studying pieces of literature known for creating certain tones and moods.  We recently finished The Birds by Daphne du Maurier.  Just as this story made my skin crawl when I was a teenager, he, too, had the same grim reaction.

Not only was the air heavy with dampness and our moods irascible with the heat, but these great swarms of black birds have been swirling into the field behind us.  They duck into the tall grasses and become invisible.  Moments later, they surge into the air once more, their shrieks adding to the ominous mood of the day.

I snipped little bunches of mint from my potted herbs, slightly squeezing them to breathe in their fresh scent. I sliced the tiny little limes that P. likes to keep handy to flavor his beer.

The bubbling and hissing of the cold ginger ale flowing over crackling ice was a delightful sound that promised of long summer days to come.

The anticipated storms will certainly lift the heaviness from the air, usher back the cooler temperatures and we can  return to sweeping breezes blowing through the house. 

As the rain drops  begin to fall one by one with heavy plops and thuds, I wonder where all of those birds will go.  

Polly and Chester are torn between racing to the back windows to watch the birds soar into the sky and following us everywhere in the house...searching our eyes for comfort and security from the impending storms.

Honeydew is such a beautiful melon.  Is there anything so soft and pretty as that sweet baby shade of pale green?  Honeydew and mint give this drink such a gentle flavor that tastes cooling and light.

The humidity slowly lifts its weary head and the gentle wings of cool billowy air slide in through the windows once more.  The hoards of black birds flapping and shrieking are again giving us goosebumps; Polly and Chester scampered off again dreaming of which bird they will snag, and the impending dog days of a southern summer are put off just a little longer.

Honeydew, Cucumber and Mint Mojito
(adapted from Martha Stewart Magazine)

**To make the garnish, cut a shamrock from a slice of cucumber skin using a shamrock cookie cutter.

Serves 1 (just double or triple, etc. for more servings)


1/4  lime wedge
2 sprigs fresh mint
cucumber slices
2 teaspoons superfine sugar
1 cup crushed ice
3/4 cup fresh honeydew melon juice (from half of a melon)
Club soda (I used ginger ale), fresca, or Sprite
1 Tbsp rum (optional)
Cucumber skin "shamrock," for garnish

Place lime, mint, cucumber slices, and sugar in a tumbler or highball glass and muddle. Add ice to glass; pour honeydew melon juice over ice. Top with club soda or flavored carbonated drink. Stir and serve immediately garnished with cucumber  "shamrock."


  1. It's so interesting to hear about your environment...the same country yet world's apart. Our last snow just melted days ago to reveal clumps of crocus and snow drops all across our lawn. Mojitoes are my drink of choice when the weather heats up!

  2. How incredible refreshing this must be, I like the combination of the mint and melon with the cucumber, I often pair watermelon with those.

    1. Oh, I love watermelon cocktails too. But, I am the ONLY one in the family that thinks they are delicious.

  3. oh! recipe sounds perfect to beat the heat in my city! Luv ur new header :)

    1. Thank you. I had 'header identity crisis' going on over the weekend.

  4. Love honeydew. And love how your blog is looking... beautiful!

  5. yum...I want a sip of that!

    I love the birds! and that sweet kitty!

  6. This mojito is great.
    I love...

  7. A really refreshing post...Your pictures are magnificent! The birds are so alive!

  8. The way you interweave the coming...cooling storms and the honeydew and mint - is absolutely magical! And - I look at that image of the mojitos..and I think I see a smile! (Love your new header - by the way!)

  9. Mojito is my favorite cocktail, and your version looks so good...the weather is absolutely perfect in Colorado at the moment: sunny and warm (no humidity). I think a mojito is in order!

  10. What a lovely post. I could almost feel the humidity in the air myself. Your posts are always delightful.

  11. LOVE everything about this mojito! Such gorgeous photos, loved the cute cucumber shamrock!!!!

  12. Just see your photos already make me feel refreshing. Can't wait to try it!! :) Thanks for sharing good recipe.

  13. Love Mojito's..
    This looks so perfect....
    That picture of birds... awesome!!!

    I have to ask Sarah, where do u buy such beautiful vintage pieces... That spoon Love it.

  14. Your Mojito is gorgeous and perfect for St. Patrick’s Day and your hot humid weather.
    When I saw the photo of the birds it reminded me of Alfred Hitchcock! Great photos as always, Sarah!

  15. I love your pictures! This looks so refreshing and the green color is beautiful!

  16. OMG such a wonderful refreshing and eye catchy pictures.. very beautiful and nicely captured.


  17. You have such a gift with that camera. This post is such a visual delight. WOW!
    Happy St. Patty's Day, friend.

  18. I absolutely loved reading through your story - moody, emotive. Your photos are beautiful. You've transformed what looks like a springy cocktail into something really beautiful.

  19. Sarah, Yum! I wish I had sipped one of these for St. Paddy's. I always love a cocktail with cucumber and mint, plus Honey Dew is a longtime favorite of mine.
    Beautiful shots as always!

  20. I am bookmarking it! It is already 85 degrees in SC and this is not going to be a breezy summer, I feel (well, when was it a breezy summer in SC anyway?!)
    And yes, summer brings more thunderstorms. Although the rain is very welcomed, the thunders are not since I have to clean up after a very scared doggy when I come home but, I think now I know what to make to calm myself down on those summer nights :)

  21. just tell the best stories! I can never take my eyes off your photography, you have such a wonderful eye for it. I think you should teach us all how you do it. hint hint :) Thanks so much for your Tweet today, I really appreciated it!
    How goes the college hunt?
    Jeanne xx

    1. Thank you Jeanne! The waiting process is at maximum intensity right now. Acceptances to 4 (w/scholarships!!) so far and waiting on answers on 6. The 6, however, are the private colleges and 2 of those...very difficult to get in colleges. We're finding it hard to beat U.of Texas at Austin though, with their top notch Natural Science Dept.

  22. Hi there! Just a quick note to let you know we are running a cocktail contest on our Facebook page. Feel free to enter with one of your delicious and original recipes! The best one gets a prize! Entries open until March 25th 2012.

  23. This mojito sounds scrumptious! I love everything in it - so many of my favorite flavors!

  24. Yum!!! Thank you for sharing this! I included this recipe in my roundup of 17 St. Paddy’s Day Drinks & Desserts:


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