
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chewy Chocolate Coconut Cookies with Crushed Peppermint...what happens when Patrick NEEDS a cookie!

"No cookies in the house?  Aww.  I'm sorry, honey, but after Christmas, everything sweet is gone."  These were my "trite" words of "faux" concern about Patrick's dilemma last weekend.

I know my husband quite well, you see.

It must be the engineer in him.  But this man can keep cookie recipes and ingredient quantities filed away in his brain without the necessity of any... silly cookbooks.  

Basically, he needed something sweet.  He needed something now.  I snickered to myself as I swept through the kitchen with feigned sorrow on my furled brows and eyes full of disingenuous concern.

I knew what would transpire next.  Some shuffling took place in the pantry.  Patrick's muffled voice could be heard. "We have chocolate!  Oh, here is a bag of coconut.  Great, and here are some leftover peppermints from Christmas"  were the muttered sounds that I picked up as items were pushed aside and treasures that might turn into cookies were stacked in his arms.

My role in this pretense is to disappear somewhere in the depths of the house...out of sight...out of the kitchen.

A quick, "fresh cookies coming soon-wink" was signaled to my son, Riley.  We knew the smell of freshly baked cookies will fill the house within the next hour. did.  Mmmmm. was gooooood.

Deep chocolate notes filled the air floating to me in my hiding place.  Sweet coconut mingled together with  the milk chocolate notes that soon whispered, "Time to come out...cookies must be just out of the oven!"

The results were:  
1.  one batch of chewy chocolate coconut cookies.  
2.  one batch of chewy chocolate coconut cookies with crushed peppermint!
3.  the third batch was raised up a notch because he found a jar of cream cheese those became a decadent batch of chewy chocolate coconut cookies with a swipe of cream cheese frosting on top.

It works. every. time.  I think I have the helpless "No, honey, I don't think there are any cookies in the pantry" look down pretty well.

In fact, I'm sitting at my kitchen table.  I am having a chocolate coconut cookie, a chocolate coconut/crushed peppermint cookie, and a decadent chocolate coconut cookie with swipe of cream cheese frosting-on-top

...right now.

Oh, the sweet power that is wielded in this house when for some unforeseen miscalculation...we just don't have any cookies in the house.  

Chewy Chocolate Coconut Cookies with Crushed Peppermint

1 cup butter
1 egg
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 cups flour
3 teaspoons vanilla
5 tablespoons cocoa
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 cups sweetened coconut
Crushed peppermint (if desired, optional)

Heat oven to 325˚ F

Cream the butter, egg, vanilla, and sugar together.  Sift and mix in the dry ingredients - cocoa, salt and baking soda.  Add the dry ingredients to the creamed mixture.

Add coconut and (crushed peppermint, if using) and mix until incorporated. Roll dough into 1 - 2 inch balls and place on cookie sheets.

Place cookie sheets (if more than one sheet) into the oven and bake 8 minutes - rotate the sheets and bake 8 minutes more. Total baking time - 16 min.


  1. I swear you're like wonder woman. Vanish into the kitchen and, voila, cookies galore. The cream cheese frosting sounds incredible.

  2. That would never happen here. Well, it might, but they would not be edible. lol! Chocolate and coconut and chewy..the three C's. haha. YUM!

  3. If the photos of these cookies didn't make me drool a little (they did), then the description of them definitely would have! I think I need to make a batch of cookies now :)

  4. Oh my, I am jealous :) The cookies look delicious. I really may have to try these. I am always a sucker for anything chocolate.

  5. Deliciosas galletas de chocolate. Yo también necesito algo dulce con chocolate de vez en cuando. Great photos and recipe!!!!!!!

  6. Oh goodness I know the feeling of needing something sweet and needing it now! These would certainly hit the spot.

  7. I love a chewy chocolate cookie, and the chocolate-coconut combo is one I need to try. I wish my husband baked cookies! :)

    1. Lay all of the supplies for sugar cookies out for him...then let him have at it. For me, lots of praise afterwards is key...."These cookies are the best ever....I could have NEVER made cookies as delicious as these!". Yep. Works every time.

  8. These cookies look delicious I love chewy chocolate cookie!

  9. Sweetened or unsweetened coconut?

    1. Oh good question Christine! He used "sweetened" coconut. I didn't think the cookies were overly sweet at all so I would recommend sticking with the sweetened coconut. I'll go change the recipe...thx.

  10. Absolutely beautiful! Wish I weren't on a cleanse right now!

    1. And I should be saying, "I should be on a cleanse right now!"

  11. You never cease to WOW me - both with your mouth-watering photography..and how you manage to take a few simple ingredients and transform them into yummy magic. Gorgeous post (and so glad to see you're feeling better - :-))!

  12. Oh, what a wonderful husband. Mine cooks dinner three nights a week but no cookies of any sort. I would go hide too until they appeared.

  13. Thank you so much for your fantastic recipe ( and photos).. so tempting... I will be sharing this on My Daily Click next week... thank you for the inspiration... xv

  14. So beautiful to look at and so beautiful to eat! Delightful as always :)
    Mary x

  15. Do u think they wld taste ok substituting flour with coconut flour and sugar with honey?.

  16. I am trying these right now. Instead of butter I am using coconut oil, and instead of vanilla extract I am using peppermint extract and some chocolate extract. I also used only a cup of sugar. The cookies in the oven smell insane. 3 more minutes and I will get to try them out.

  17. I am trying this recipe right now. Instead of butter I used coconut oil, and instead of vanilla I used peppermint extract and some chocolate extract. I also used only a cup of sugar. I am about to get them out of the oven, they smell amazing. Can't wait to see how they come out.

  18. The cookies came out to die for. The substitutions that I mentioned earlier worked amazingly well. The only thing I had a problem with is that the cookies were not flattening out in the oven. So after 8 minutes of baking, I smashed them down like hamburger patties and baked for another 8 minutes. Thank you for this recipe, I rarely cook or bake and this was a nice treat for me and my family.

  19. I made these and my husband took them to work the next day. By 10am they were gone and I had 5 requests for the recipe and 10 requests for more cookies! Easily the best scratch cookies I have ever made!


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