
Monday, April 29, 2013

Les Madeleines cakes...for the final "final" finals of the year!

When you have a daughter named Madeleine...  And, one of her favorite little cakes is "les madeleines", well that makes life a bit of a match when it comes to baking treats.

So, here we are.  It seems it was in the wink of an eye. The last "college care package" of the year is being assembled...that is... the last of the historic freshman year!

What an enormous "life learning curve" occurs during the famed freshman year of college.  The world suddenly opens up to all sorts of unexpected avenues, to the meeting of new friends, and to the good and occasionally not-so-good that life sometimes brings with it. 

Certainly, her father and I have had fun amusing ourselves with shared recollections of what our early college years were like...shared some belly laughs, but oh my, cringed at  others.

So the final, final week of "finals" is almost here.  I sifted, stirred, and baked a batch of les madeleines to deliver to the post office tomorrow...a little something to nibble during those dreaded study sessions that seem to be never-ending.

Patrick and I met while we were in years ago.  We were actually planning our wedding during our senior year of college.  When we think back, we can't believe we married so young.  We snicker at how ridiculously young we both looked in our wedding photos.

Our senior year of college was spent living apart between  New York and St. Louis...planning a wedding that would be  in southern Missouri, finishing up degrees in marketing and engineering, and accepting job offers that meant we would be moving way up to Michigan...a mere week after the honeymoon! 

Where was our honeymoon, one might ask?  Well, it was where all mature married couples dream of going

...Disneyworld!  Of course.

...and indeed, we had a fabulous time.

We were young, naive, and hopelessly in love.  We had a whirlwind of a year finishing our college degrees and setting up house in Michigan within months...too young to know how impossibly young we were to be making such adult decisions.

So with all of that history behind us, we are relieved, as parents of today, to see that our daughter is a happy and normal freshman...completely uninterested in "setting up house" for years to come.

So we've been chatting back and forth about finalizing semester classes, studying for finals, packing up dorm rooms...but most importantly, planning out summer fun until it's time for what will be a more calmer and relaxed sophomore year of hopefully more "knowns" than "unknowns".  

Maps have been unfolded, travel tickets arranged for here and there, and the crazy plans for summer can't come soon enough.

We have weddings, camps, classes, travel, family visits, and perhaps just a little bit more of that travel element thrown in this summer, just for good measure.

It's funny to peek into my daughter's room.  She moved into this house mid high school.  At that time, we decided to create a "young lady" room that was mature and elegant.  She squeals with delight when she gets home now that the reality of "dorm living" has worn off...the luxury of thick carpet under her feet, a bed she won't roll off of, but most of all, she points dang cursed elevator door dinging all throughout the day and night!


  1. I've loved following the emotional whirlwind of your daughter's freshman year. It will be my youngest daughter's SENIOR year next year and I can't even catch my breath it has all gone so fast.

    1. Oh my...senior year of the last year of college...does that mean CHA-CHING with the ridiculous tuition expenses?!

  2. Lovely Madeleines! A great treat for a studious daughter...



  3. so lovely to learn more about you Sarah! Congratulations on your daughter's near completion of her freshmen year! Your summer plans... have got me thinking... I need to be making some!

    1. I love to plan out summers. It used to be all pool time and summer camps for kiddy type its hopefully...road trips!

  4. Madeleines are my favorite--what a lovely treat to receive in the mail as she studies for finals. :)

    1. I think sending treats through the mail is one of the highlights of being a college mother for me. I've always loved the idea of sending old fashioned packages that have surprises inside.

  5. Good luck to Madeleine. Oh how I used to hate those dreaded finals. Even after so many years, I still get nervous.

    1. Me too, Loree. I absolutely tell her that life only gets better when you move past all of the test taking galore that comprises college life.

  6. Love your madeleine photos! They are stunning. The lighting is perfect. Are you using natural lighting or strobes in those photos? Just wondering how you manipulated the lighting to be so awesomely dramatic :)

    1. Thank you Chris. Yes, it is all natural lighting. I would love to play around with artificial lights but I just can't justify expensing that gear as opposed to acquiring new lenses! I have a very dark room with heavy drapes. I just play with the drapes. It is a constant learning process for sure.

  7. I have a madeleine pan and have never used it! I really should...those little cakes look so cute!

    Our oldest is in his senior week of finals with graduation on Saturday. Time has flown by!

    Enjoy your girl as she comes home!

    1. Oh, yes you should use it Betsy! Madeleine cakes are so easy to make and the good thing is this batter comes out consistently every single time. I've never had a problem with it.

  8. The best treat one could possibly receive whilst studying for finals!

    I like the sound of this 'young lady' room.... would love to create something so luxurious for myself:)

    Also, Disneyworld??? What! Makes it sound almost as if you were a child bride, not 22 or 23;)

    1. Yes, Emma (Sarah hangs her head low) of all the spectacular destinations in this world...the budget called for "DisneyWorld" at that time.

  9. What a wonderful treat to receive at school during crunch time...your daughter is a very lucky girl.

    I always love to hear that other people have gone to Disney World on their honeymoons. My husband and I were given the option of going anywhere in the world for our honeymoon as a gift from grandparents and we decided that Disney World was where we wanted to be too. I think it was the perfect honeymoon spot :)

    You photos are stunning! I've always wanted to try making Madeleines and now you have inspired me to give it a try.

    1. Oh, you should bake these. They are amazingly simple to make and taste so good...especially right after coming out of the oven. And, yes, Disney World was fun...we were treated with a stay at the Grand Floridian...beautiful.

  10. You know, I've never made Madeleines, but I enjoy eating them. Thanks for sharing your recipe, and I just adore your photography:)

    1. Thank you Tania. They are super simple to make.

  11. Loved reading this post, Sarah. Madeleines for Madeleine... lovely! Time flies so quickly, doesn't it. Your daughter will be 30 before you know it.

  12. Madeleines are one of my favorite treats, too -- how lovely to have a sweet Madeleine namesake! Congrats to your daughter (and her stalwart parents) on finishing freshman year. I hope she enjoys a lovely summer, free of elevator bells! (That last bit made me laugh :)

    1. Thanks Ann, I certainly know she is counting the days until she is finished. We'll be traveling 2 days after she finishes finals so I keep telling her to focus on that!

  13. I love your care packages for your daughter. I can hardly believe she has almost finished her first year. It seems like yesterday she was going off on her own. Those cat photos are glorious - the light is beautiful.

    1. I can't believe it either Suzanne. Freshman year - over. Aren't cats so beautiful...sometimes I think they behave as if a camera were nearby all the time - so poised and elegant.

  14. Your daughter is so lucky to get those care packages! I adore madeleines and these look so pretty! Time does fly- it seems only yesterday you were fretting about her going off to college.

    1. But look at you Jess! One day in Co. and then the next...setting up house in Ireland! Wonderful indeed.

  15. Madeleines are a favorite of mine! Such a wonderful care package…lucky daughter! Lovely post and gorgeous photos!

  16. It is my great pleasure to visit your website and to enjoy your excellent post here. I like that very much.

  17. What lovely reflections. Bringing back memories of my own!

  18. Oh Madalena :) I love to read you and to watch your pictures. I am sometimes a bit jealous that your family gets so many amazing treats. It's also very nice to cook for the loved ones.

  19. I have never tried a madeleine! And yours look exquisitely lovely, dusted with powdered sugar. Oh yum. Could you mail me one? I think it could work, yes? hmmm.. I just might have to dig up a recipe and give them a try this summer.. they might make a wonderful dessert, paired with fresh berries.
    What a lucky girl you have.


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